ciiStringTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) : string { return $this->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } public function getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { if (!isset($column['length'])) { $column['length'] = $this->getVarcharDefaultLength(); } $fixed = $column['fixed'] ?? \false; $maxLength = $fixed ? $this->getCharMaxLength() : $this->getVarcharMaxLength(); if ($column['length'] > $maxLength) { return $this->getClobTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } return $this->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($column['length'], $fixed); } public function getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { if (!isset($column['length'])) { $column['length'] = $this->getBinaryDefaultLength(); } $fixed = $column['fixed'] ?? \false; $maxLength = $this->getBinaryMaxLength(); if ($column['length'] > $maxLength) { if ($maxLength > 0) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', '', 'Binary column length %d is greater than supported by the platform (%d).' . ' Reduce the column length or use a BLOB column instead.', $column['length'], $maxLength); } return $this->getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } return $this->getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($column['length'], $fixed); } public function getGuidTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { $column['length'] = 36; $column['fixed'] = \true; return $this->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } public function getJsonTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return $this->getClobTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } protected function getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($length, $fixed) { throw Exception::notSupported('VARCHARs not supported by Platform.'); } protected function getBinaryTypeDeclarationSQLSnippet($length, $fixed) { throw Exception::notSupported('BINARY/VARBINARY column types are not supported by this platform.'); } public abstract function getClobTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column); public abstract function getBlobTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column); public abstract function getName(); public function registerDoctrineTypeMapping($dbType, $doctrineType) { if ($this->doctrineTypeMapping === null) { $this->initializeAllDoctrineTypeMappings(); } if (!Types\Type::hasType($doctrineType)) { throw Exception::typeNotFound($doctrineType); } $dbType = strtolower($dbType); $this->doctrineTypeMapping[$dbType] = $doctrineType; $doctrineType = Type::getType($doctrineType); if (!$doctrineType->requiresSQLCommentHint($this)) { return; } $this->markDoctrineTypeCommented($doctrineType); } public function getDoctrineTypeMapping($dbType) { if ($this->doctrineTypeMapping === null) { $this->initializeAllDoctrineTypeMappings(); } $dbType = strtolower($dbType); if (!isset($this->doctrineTypeMapping[$dbType])) { throw new Exception('Unknown database type ' . $dbType . ' requested, ' . static::class . ' may not support it.'); } return $this->doctrineTypeMapping[$dbType]; } public function hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor($dbType) { if ($this->doctrineTypeMapping === null) { $this->initializeAllDoctrineTypeMappings(); } $dbType = strtolower($dbType); return isset($this->doctrineTypeMapping[$dbType]); } protected function initializeCommentedDoctrineTypes() { $this->doctrineTypeComments = []; foreach (Type::getTypesMap() as $typeName => $className) { $type = Type::getType($typeName); if (!$type->requiresSQLCommentHint($this)) { continue; } $this->doctrineTypeComments[] = $typeName; } } public function isCommentedDoctrineType(Type $doctrineType) { if ($this->doctrineTypeComments === null) { $this->initializeCommentedDoctrineTypes(); } assert(is_array($this->doctrineTypeComments)); return in_array($doctrineType->getName(), $this->doctrineTypeComments); } public function markDoctrineTypeCommented($doctrineType) { if ($this->doctrineTypeComments === null) { $this->initializeCommentedDoctrineTypes(); } assert(is_array($this->doctrineTypeComments)); $this->doctrineTypeComments[] = $doctrineType instanceof Type ? $doctrineType->getName() : $doctrineType; } public function getDoctrineTypeComment(Type $doctrineType) { return '(DC2Type:' . $doctrineType->getName() . ')'; } protected function getColumnComment(Column $column) { $comment = $column->getComment(); if ($this->isCommentedDoctrineType($column->getType())) { $comment .= $this->getDoctrineTypeComment($column->getType()); } return $comment; } public function getIdentifierQuoteCharacter() { return '"'; } public function getSqlCommentStartString() { return '--'; } public function getSqlCommentEndString() { return "\n"; } public function getCharMaxLength() : int { return $this->getVarcharMaxLength(); } public function getVarcharMaxLength() { return 4000; } public function getVarcharDefaultLength() { return 255; } public function getBinaryMaxLength() { return 4000; } public function getBinaryDefaultLength() { return 255; } public function getWildcards() { return ['%', '_']; } public function getRegexpExpression() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getGuidExpression() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getAvgExpression($column) { return 'AVG(' . $column . ')'; } public function getCountExpression($column) { return 'COUNT(' . $column . ')'; } public function getMaxExpression($column) { return 'MAX(' . $column . ')'; } public function getMinExpression($column) { return 'MIN(' . $column . ')'; } public function getSumExpression($column) { return 'SUM(' . $column . ')'; } // scalar functions public function getMd5Expression($column) { return 'MD5(' . $column . ')'; } public function getLengthExpression($column) { return 'LENGTH(' . $column . ')'; } public function getSqrtExpression($column) { return 'SQRT(' . $column . ')'; } public function getRoundExpression($column, $decimals = 0) { return 'ROUND(' . $column . ', ' . $decimals . ')'; } public function getModExpression($expression1, $expression2) { return 'MOD(' . $expression1 . ', ' . $expression2 . ')'; } public function getTrimExpression($str, $mode = TrimMode::UNSPECIFIED, $char = \false) { $expression = ''; switch ($mode) { case TrimMode::LEADING: $expression = 'LEADING '; break; case TrimMode::TRAILING: $expression = 'TRAILING '; break; case TrimMode::BOTH: $expression = 'BOTH '; break; } if ($char !== \false) { $expression .= $char . ' '; } if ($mode || $char !== \false) { $expression .= 'FROM '; } return 'TRIM(' . $expression . $str . ')'; } public function getRtrimExpression($str) { return 'RTRIM(' . $str . ')'; } public function getLtrimExpression($str) { return 'LTRIM(' . $str . ')'; } public function getUpperExpression($str) { return 'UPPER(' . $str . ')'; } public function getLowerExpression($str) { return 'LOWER(' . $str . ')'; } public function getLocateExpression($str, $substr, $startPos = \false) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getNowExpression() { return 'NOW()'; } public function getSubstringExpression($string, $start, $length = null) { if ($length === null) { return 'SUBSTRING(' . $string . ' FROM ' . $start . ')'; } return 'SUBSTRING(' . $string . ' FROM ' . $start . ' FOR ' . $length . ')'; } public function getConcatExpression() { return implode(' || ', func_get_args()); } public function getNotExpression($expression) { return 'NOT(' . $expression . ')'; } public function getIsNullExpression($expression) { return $expression . ' IS NULL'; } public function getIsNotNullExpression($expression) { return $expression . ' IS NOT NULL'; } public function getBetweenExpression($expression, $value1, $value2) { return $expression . ' BETWEEN ' . $value1 . ' AND ' . $value2; } public function getAcosExpression($value) { return 'ACOS(' . $value . ')'; } public function getSinExpression($value) { return 'SIN(' . $value . ')'; } public function getPiExpression() { return 'PI()'; } public function getCosExpression($value) { return 'COS(' . $value . ')'; } public function getDateDiffExpression($date1, $date2) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getDateAddSecondsExpression($date, $seconds) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $seconds, DateIntervalUnit::SECOND); } public function getDateSubSecondsExpression($date, $seconds) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $seconds, DateIntervalUnit::SECOND); } public function getDateAddMinutesExpression($date, $minutes) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $minutes, DateIntervalUnit::MINUTE); } public function getDateSubMinutesExpression($date, $minutes) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $minutes, DateIntervalUnit::MINUTE); } public function getDateAddHourExpression($date, $hours) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $hours, DateIntervalUnit::HOUR); } public function getDateSubHourExpression($date, $hours) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $hours, DateIntervalUnit::HOUR); } public function getDateAddDaysExpression($date, $days) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $days, DateIntervalUnit::DAY); } public function getDateSubDaysExpression($date, $days) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $days, DateIntervalUnit::DAY); } public function getDateAddWeeksExpression($date, $weeks) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $weeks, DateIntervalUnit::WEEK); } public function getDateSubWeeksExpression($date, $weeks) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $weeks, DateIntervalUnit::WEEK); } public function getDateAddMonthExpression($date, $months) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $months, DateIntervalUnit::MONTH); } public function getDateSubMonthExpression($date, $months) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $months, DateIntervalUnit::MONTH); } public function getDateAddQuartersExpression($date, $quarters) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $quarters, DateIntervalUnit::QUARTER); } public function getDateSubQuartersExpression($date, $quarters) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $quarters, DateIntervalUnit::QUARTER); } public function getDateAddYearsExpression($date, $years) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '+', $years, DateIntervalUnit::YEAR); } public function getDateSubYearsExpression($date, $years) { return $this->getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, '-', $years, DateIntervalUnit::YEAR); } protected function getDateArithmeticIntervalExpression($date, $operator, $interval, $unit) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getBitAndComparisonExpression($value1, $value2) { return '(' . $value1 . ' & ' . $value2 . ')'; } public function getBitOrComparisonExpression($value1, $value2) { return '(' . $value1 . ' | ' . $value2 . ')'; } public function getForUpdateSQL() { return 'FOR UPDATE'; } public function appendLockHint($fromClause, $lockMode) { return $fromClause; } public function getReadLockSQL() { return $this->getForUpdateSQL(); } public function getWriteLockSQL() { return $this->getForUpdateSQL(); } public function getDropDatabaseSQL($name) { return 'DROP DATABASE ' . $name; } public function getDropTableSQL($table) { $tableArg = $table; if ($table instanceof Table) { $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } if (!is_string($table)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects $table parameter to be string or ' . Table::class . '.'); } if ($this->_eventManager !== null && $this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaDropTable)) { $eventArgs = new SchemaDropTableEventArgs($tableArg, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaDropTable, $eventArgs); if ($eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented()) { $sql = $eventArgs->getSql(); if ($sql === null) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Default implementation of DROP TABLE was overridden with NULL'); } return $sql; } } return 'DROP TABLE ' . $table; } public function getDropTemporaryTableSQL($table) { return $this->getDropTableSQL($table); } public function getDropIndexSQL($index, $table = null) { if ($index instanceof Index) { $index = $index->getQuotedName($this); } elseif (!is_string($index)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__METHOD__ . '() expects $index parameter to be string or ' . Index::class . '.'); } return 'DROP INDEX ' . $index; } public function getDropConstraintSQL($constraint, $table) { if (!$constraint instanceof Constraint) { $constraint = new Identifier($constraint); } if (!$table instanceof Table) { $table = new Identifier($table); } $constraint = $constraint->getQuotedName($this); $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $constraint; } public function getDropForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $table) { if (!$foreignKey instanceof ForeignKeyConstraint) { $foreignKey = new Identifier($foreignKey); } if (!$table instanceof Table) { $table = new Identifier($table); } $foreignKey = $foreignKey->getQuotedName($this); $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . $foreignKey; } public function getCreateTableSQL(Table $table, $createFlags = self::CREATE_INDEXES) { if (!is_int($createFlags)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Second argument of AbstractPlatform::getCreateTableSQL() has to be integer.'); } if (count($table->getColumns()) === 0) { throw Exception::noColumnsSpecifiedForTable($table->getName()); } $tableName = $table->getQuotedName($this); $options = $table->getOptions(); $options['uniqueConstraints'] = []; $options['indexes'] = []; $options['primary'] = []; if (($createFlags & self::CREATE_INDEXES) > 0) { foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) { if ($index->isPrimary()) { $options['primary'] = $index->getQuotedColumns($this); $options['primary_index'] = $index; } else { $options['indexes'][$index->getQuotedName($this)] = $index; } } } $columnSql = []; $columns = []; foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) { if ($this->_eventManager !== null && $this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaCreateTableColumn)) { $eventArgs = new SchemaCreateTableColumnEventArgs($column, $table, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaCreateTableColumn, $eventArgs); $columnSql = array_merge($columnSql, $eventArgs->getSql()); if ($eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented()) { continue; } } $name = $column->getQuotedName($this); $columnData = array_merge($column->toArray(), ['name' => $name, 'version' => $column->hasPlatformOption('version') ? $column->getPlatformOption('version') : \false, 'comment' => $this->getColumnComment($column)]); if ($columnData['type'] instanceof Types\StringType && $columnData['length'] === null) { $columnData['length'] = 255; } if (in_array($column->getName(), $options['primary'])) { $columnData['primary'] = \true; } $columns[$name] = $columnData; } if (($createFlags & self::CREATE_FOREIGNKEYS) > 0) { $options['foreignKeys'] = []; foreach ($table->getForeignKeys() as $fkConstraint) { $options['foreignKeys'][] = $fkConstraint; } } if ($this->_eventManager !== null && $this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaCreateTable)) { $eventArgs = new SchemaCreateTableEventArgs($table, $columns, $options, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaCreateTable, $eventArgs); if ($eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented()) { return array_merge($eventArgs->getSql(), $columnSql); } } $sql = $this->_getCreateTableSQL($tableName, $columns, $options); if ($this->supportsCommentOnStatement()) { if ($table->hasOption('comment')) { $sql[] = $this->getCommentOnTableSQL($tableName, $table->getOption('comment')); } foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) { $comment = $this->getColumnComment($column); if ($comment === null || $comment === '') { continue; } $sql[] = $this->getCommentOnColumnSQL($tableName, $column->getQuotedName($this), $comment); } } return array_merge($sql, $columnSql); } protected function getCommentOnTableSQL(string $tableName, ?string $comment) : string { $tableName = new Identifier($tableName); return sprintf('COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS %s', $tableName->getQuotedName($this), $this->quoteStringLiteral((string) $comment)); } public function getCommentOnColumnSQL($tableName, $columnName, $comment) { $tableName = new Identifier($tableName); $columnName = new Identifier($columnName); return sprintf('COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s IS %s', $tableName->getQuotedName($this), $columnName->getQuotedName($this), $this->quoteStringLiteral((string) $comment)); } public function getInlineColumnCommentSQL($comment) { if (!$this->supportsInlineColumnComments()) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } return 'COMMENT ' . $this->quoteStringLiteral($comment); } protected function _getCreateTableSQL($name, array $columns, array $options = []) { $columnListSql = $this->getColumnDeclarationListSQL($columns); if (isset($options['uniqueConstraints']) && !empty($options['uniqueConstraints'])) { foreach ($options['uniqueConstraints'] as $index => $definition) { $columnListSql .= ', ' . $this->getUniqueConstraintDeclarationSQL($index, $definition); } } if (isset($options['primary']) && !empty($options['primary'])) { $columnListSql .= ', PRIMARY KEY(' . implode(', ', array_unique(array_values($options['primary']))) . ')'; } if (isset($options['indexes']) && !empty($options['indexes'])) { foreach ($options['indexes'] as $index => $definition) { $columnListSql .= ', ' . $this->getIndexDeclarationSQL($index, $definition); } } $query = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $name . ' (' . $columnListSql; $check = $this->getCheckDeclarationSQL($columns); if (!empty($check)) { $query .= ', ' . $check; } $query .= ')'; $sql = [$query]; if (isset($options['foreignKeys'])) { foreach ((array) $options['foreignKeys'] as $definition) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateForeignKeySQL($definition, $name); } } return $sql; } public function getCreateTemporaryTableSnippetSQL() { return 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE'; } public function getCreateSequenceSQL(Sequence $sequence) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getAlterSequenceSQL(Sequence $sequence) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getCreateConstraintSQL(Constraint $constraint, $table) { if ($table instanceof Table) { $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $constraint->getQuotedName($this); $columnList = '(' . implode(', ', $constraint->getQuotedColumns($this)) . ')'; $referencesClause = ''; if ($constraint instanceof Index) { if ($constraint->isPrimary()) { $query .= ' PRIMARY KEY'; } elseif ($constraint->isUnique()) { $query .= ' UNIQUE'; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Can only create primary or unique constraints, no common indexes with getCreateConstraintSQL().'); } } elseif ($constraint instanceof ForeignKeyConstraint) { $query .= ' FOREIGN KEY'; $referencesClause = ' REFERENCES ' . $constraint->getQuotedForeignTableName($this) . ' (' . implode(', ', $constraint->getQuotedForeignColumns($this)) . ')'; } $query .= ' ' . $columnList . $referencesClause; return $query; } public function getCreateIndexSQL(Index $index, $table) { if ($table instanceof Table) { $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } $name = $index->getQuotedName($this); $columns = $index->getColumns(); if (count($columns) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete definition. 'columns' required."); } if ($index->isPrimary()) { return $this->getCreatePrimaryKeySQL($index, $table); } $query = 'CREATE ' . $this->getCreateIndexSQLFlags($index) . 'INDEX ' . $name . ' ON ' . $table; $query .= ' (' . $this->getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL($index) . ')' . $this->getPartialIndexSQL($index); return $query; } protected function getPartialIndexSQL(Index $index) { if ($this->supportsPartialIndexes() && $index->hasOption('where')) { return ' WHERE ' . $index->getOption('where'); } return ''; } protected function getCreateIndexSQLFlags(Index $index) { return $index->isUnique() ? 'UNIQUE ' : ''; } public function getCreatePrimaryKeySQL(Index $index, $table) { if ($table instanceof Table) { $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ADD PRIMARY KEY (' . $this->getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL($index) . ')'; } public function getCreateSchemaSQL($schemaName) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function quoteIdentifier($str) { if (strpos($str, '.') !== \false) { $parts = array_map([$this, 'quoteSingleIdentifier'], explode('.', $str)); return implode('.', $parts); } return $this->quoteSingleIdentifier($str); } public function quoteSingleIdentifier($str) { $c = $this->getIdentifierQuoteCharacter(); return $c . str_replace($c, $c . $c, $str) . $c; } public function getCreateForeignKeySQL(ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey, $table) { if ($table instanceof Table) { $table = $table->getQuotedName($this); } return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ADD ' . $this->getForeignKeyDeclarationSQL($foreignKey); } public function getAlterTableSQL(TableDiff $diff) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } protected function onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn(Column $column, TableDiff $diff, &$columnSql) { if ($this->_eventManager === null) { return \false; } if (!$this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn)) { return \false; } $eventArgs = new SchemaAlterTableAddColumnEventArgs($column, $diff, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn, $eventArgs); $columnSql = array_merge($columnSql, $eventArgs->getSql()); return $eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented(); } protected function onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn(Column $column, TableDiff $diff, &$columnSql) { if ($this->_eventManager === null) { return \false; } if (!$this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn)) { return \false; } $eventArgs = new SchemaAlterTableRemoveColumnEventArgs($column, $diff, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn, $eventArgs); $columnSql = array_merge($columnSql, $eventArgs->getSql()); return $eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented(); } protected function onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn(ColumnDiff $columnDiff, TableDiff $diff, &$columnSql) { if ($this->_eventManager === null) { return \false; } if (!$this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn)) { return \false; } $eventArgs = new SchemaAlterTableChangeColumnEventArgs($columnDiff, $diff, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn, $eventArgs); $columnSql = array_merge($columnSql, $eventArgs->getSql()); return $eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented(); } protected function onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn($oldColumnName, Column $column, TableDiff $diff, &$columnSql) { if ($this->_eventManager === null) { return \false; } if (!$this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn)) { return \false; } $eventArgs = new SchemaAlterTableRenameColumnEventArgs($oldColumnName, $column, $diff, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn, $eventArgs); $columnSql = array_merge($columnSql, $eventArgs->getSql()); return $eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented(); } protected function onSchemaAlterTable(TableDiff $diff, &$sql) { if ($this->_eventManager === null) { return \false; } if (!$this->_eventManager->hasListeners(Events::onSchemaAlterTable)) { return \false; } $eventArgs = new SchemaAlterTableEventArgs($diff, $this); $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(Events::onSchemaAlterTable, $eventArgs); $sql = array_merge($sql, $eventArgs->getSql()); return $eventArgs->isDefaultPrevented(); } protected function getPreAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { $tableName = $diff->getName($this)->getQuotedName($this); $sql = []; if ($this->supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) { foreach ($diff->removedForeignKeys as $foreignKey) { $sql[] = $this->getDropForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $tableName); } foreach ($diff->changedForeignKeys as $foreignKey) { $sql[] = $this->getDropForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $tableName); } } foreach ($diff->removedIndexes as $index) { $sql[] = $this->getDropIndexSQL($index, $tableName); } foreach ($diff->changedIndexes as $index) { $sql[] = $this->getDropIndexSQL($index, $tableName); } return $sql; } protected function getPostAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { $sql = []; $newName = $diff->getNewName(); if ($newName !== \false) { $tableName = $newName->getQuotedName($this); } else { $tableName = $diff->getName($this)->getQuotedName($this); } if ($this->supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) { foreach ($diff->addedForeignKeys as $foreignKey) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $tableName); } foreach ($diff->changedForeignKeys as $foreignKey) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateForeignKeySQL($foreignKey, $tableName); } } foreach ($diff->addedIndexes as $index) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateIndexSQL($index, $tableName); } foreach ($diff->changedIndexes as $index) { $sql[] = $this->getCreateIndexSQL($index, $tableName); } foreach ($diff->renamedIndexes as $oldIndexName => $index) { $oldIndexName = new Identifier($oldIndexName); $sql = array_merge($sql, $this->getRenameIndexSQL($oldIndexName->getQuotedName($this), $index, $tableName)); } return $sql; } protected function getRenameIndexSQL($oldIndexName, Index $index, $tableName) { return [$this->getDropIndexSQL($oldIndexName, $tableName), $this->getCreateIndexSQL($index, $tableName)]; } protected function _getAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL(TableDiff $diff) { return array_merge($this->getPreAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff), $this->getPostAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL($diff)); } public function getColumnDeclarationListSQL(array $columns) { $declarations = []; foreach ($columns as $name => $column) { $declarations[] = $this->getColumnDeclarationSQL($name, $column); } return implode(', ', $declarations); } public function getColumnDeclarationSQL($name, array $column) { if (isset($column['columnDefinition'])) { $declaration = $this->getCustomTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } else { $default = $this->getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL($column); $charset = isset($column['charset']) && $column['charset'] ? ' ' . $this->getColumnCharsetDeclarationSQL($column['charset']) : ''; $collation = isset($column['collation']) && $column['collation'] ? ' ' . $this->getColumnCollationDeclarationSQL($column['collation']) : ''; $notnull = isset($column['notnull']) && $column['notnull'] ? ' NOT NULL' : ''; $unique = isset($column['unique']) && $column['unique'] ? ' ' . $this->getUniqueFieldDeclarationSQL() : ''; $check = isset($column['check']) && $column['check'] ? ' ' . $column['check'] : ''; $typeDecl = $column['type']->getSQLDeclaration($column, $this); $declaration = $typeDecl . $charset . $default . $notnull . $unique . $check . $collation; if ($this->supportsInlineColumnComments() && isset($column['comment']) && $column['comment'] !== '') { $declaration .= ' ' . $this->getInlineColumnCommentSQL($column['comment']); } } return $name . ' ' . $declaration; } public function getDecimalTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { $column['precision'] = !isset($column['precision']) || empty($column['precision']) ? 10 : $column['precision']; $column['scale'] = !isset($column['scale']) || empty($column['scale']) ? 0 : $column['scale']; return 'NUMERIC(' . $column['precision'] . ', ' . $column['scale'] . ')'; } public function getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL($column) { if (!isset($column['default'])) { return empty($column['notnull']) ? ' DEFAULT NULL' : ''; } $default = $column['default']; if (!isset($column['type'])) { return " DEFAULT '" . $default . "'"; } $type = $column['type']; if ($type instanceof Types\PhpIntegerMappingType) { return ' DEFAULT ' . $default; } if ($type instanceof Types\PhpDateTimeMappingType && $default === $this->getCurrentTimestampSQL()) { return ' DEFAULT ' . $this->getCurrentTimestampSQL(); } if ($type instanceof Types\TimeType && $default === $this->getCurrentTimeSQL()) { return ' DEFAULT ' . $this->getCurrentTimeSQL(); } if ($type instanceof Types\DateType && $default === $this->getCurrentDateSQL()) { return ' DEFAULT ' . $this->getCurrentDateSQL(); } if ($type instanceof Types\BooleanType) { return " DEFAULT '" . $this->convertBooleans($default) . "'"; } return ' DEFAULT ' . $this->quoteStringLiteral($default); } public function getCheckDeclarationSQL(array $definition) { $constraints = []; foreach ($definition as $column => $def) { if (is_string($def)) { $constraints[] = 'CHECK (' . $def . ')'; } else { if (isset($def['min'])) { $constraints[] = 'CHECK (' . $column . ' >= ' . $def['min'] . ')'; } if (isset($def['max'])) { $constraints[] = 'CHECK (' . $column . ' <= ' . $def['max'] . ')'; } } } return implode(', ', $constraints); } public function getUniqueConstraintDeclarationSQL($name, Index $index) { $columns = $index->getColumns(); $name = new Identifier($name); if (count($columns) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete definition. 'columns' required."); } return 'CONSTRAINT ' . $name->getQuotedName($this) . ' UNIQUE (' . $this->getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL($index) . ')' . $this->getPartialIndexSQL($index); } public function getIndexDeclarationSQL($name, Index $index) { $columns = $index->getColumns(); $name = new Identifier($name); if (count($columns) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete definition. 'columns' required."); } return $this->getCreateIndexSQLFlags($index) . 'INDEX ' . $name->getQuotedName($this) . ' (' . $this->getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL($index) . ')' . $this->getPartialIndexSQL($index); } public function getCustomTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return $column['columnDefinition']; } public function getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL($columnsOrIndex) : string { if ($columnsOrIndex instanceof Index) { return implode(', ', $columnsOrIndex->getQuotedColumns($this)); } if (!is_array($columnsOrIndex)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Fields argument should be an Index or array.'); } $ret = []; foreach ($columnsOrIndex as $column => $definition) { if (is_array($definition)) { $ret[] = $column; } else { $ret[] = $definition; } } return implode(', ', $ret); } public function getTemporaryTableSQL() { return 'TEMPORARY'; } public function getTemporaryTableName($tableName) { return $tableName; } public function getForeignKeyDeclarationSQL(ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey) { $sql = $this->getForeignKeyBaseDeclarationSQL($foreignKey); $sql .= $this->getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL($foreignKey); return $sql; } public function getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL(ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey) { $query = ''; if ($this->supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate() && $foreignKey->hasOption('onUpdate')) { $query .= ' ON UPDATE ' . $this->getForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL($foreignKey->getOption('onUpdate')); } if ($foreignKey->hasOption('onDelete')) { $query .= ' ON DELETE ' . $this->getForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL($foreignKey->getOption('onDelete')); } return $query; } public function getForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL($action) { $upper = strtoupper($action); switch ($upper) { case 'CASCADE': case 'SET NULL': case 'NO ACTION': case 'RESTRICT': case 'SET DEFAULT': return $upper; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid foreign key action: ' . $upper); } } public function getForeignKeyBaseDeclarationSQL(ForeignKeyConstraint $foreignKey) { $sql = ''; if (strlen($foreignKey->getName())) { $sql .= 'CONSTRAINT ' . $foreignKey->getQuotedName($this) . ' '; } $sql .= 'FOREIGN KEY ('; if (count($foreignKey->getLocalColumns()) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete definition. 'local' required."); } if (count($foreignKey->getForeignColumns()) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete definition. 'foreign' required."); } if (strlen($foreignKey->getForeignTableName()) === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Incomplete definition. 'foreignTable' required."); } return $sql . implode(', ', $foreignKey->getQuotedLocalColumns($this)) . ') REFERENCES ' . $foreignKey->getQuotedForeignTableName($this) . ' (' . implode(', ', $foreignKey->getQuotedForeignColumns($this)) . ')'; } public function getUniqueFieldDeclarationSQL() { return 'UNIQUE'; } public function getColumnCharsetDeclarationSQL($charset) { return ''; } public function getColumnCollationDeclarationSQL($collation) { return $this->supportsColumnCollation() ? 'COLLATE ' . $collation : ''; } public function prefersSequences() { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', '', 'AbstractPlatform::prefersSequences() is deprecated without replacement and removed in DBAL 3.0'); return \false; } public function prefersIdentityColumns() { return \false; } public function convertBooleans($item) { if (is_array($item)) { foreach ($item as $k => $value) { if (!is_bool($value)) { continue; } $item[$k] = (int) $value; } } elseif (is_bool($item)) { $item = (int) $item; } return $item; } public function convertFromBoolean($item) { return $item === null ? null : (bool) $item; } public function convertBooleansToDatabaseValue($item) { return $this->convertBooleans($item); } public function getCurrentDateSQL() { return 'CURRENT_DATE'; } public function getCurrentTimeSQL() { return 'CURRENT_TIME'; } public function getCurrentTimestampSQL() { return 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; } protected function _getTransactionIsolationLevelSQL($level) { switch ($level) { case TransactionIsolationLevel::READ_UNCOMMITTED: return 'READ UNCOMMITTED'; case TransactionIsolationLevel::READ_COMMITTED: return 'READ COMMITTED'; case TransactionIsolationLevel::REPEATABLE_READ: return 'REPEATABLE READ'; case TransactionIsolationLevel::SERIALIZABLE: return 'SERIALIZABLE'; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid isolation level:' . $level); } } public function getListDatabasesSQL() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListNamespacesSQL() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListSequencesSQL($database) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListTableConstraintsSQL($table) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListTableColumnsSQL($table, $database = null) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListTablesSQL() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListUsersSQL() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListViewsSQL($database) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListTableIndexesSQL($table, $database = null) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getListTableForeignKeysSQL($table) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getCreateViewSQL($name, $sql) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getDropViewSQL($name) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getDropSequenceSQL($sequence) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getSequenceNextValSQL($sequence) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getCreateDatabaseSQL($name) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getSetTransactionIsolationSQL($level) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getDateTimeTzTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return $this->getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSQL($column); } public function getDateTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getTimeTypeDeclarationSQL(array $column) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function getFloatDeclarationSQL(array $column) { return 'DOUBLE PRECISION'; } public function getDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel() { return TransactionIsolationLevel::READ_COMMITTED; } public function supportsSequences() { return \false; } public function supportsIdentityColumns() { return \false; } public function usesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns() { return \false; } public function getIdentitySequenceName($tableName, $columnName) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function supportsIndexes() { return \true; } public function supportsPartialIndexes() { return \false; } public function supportsColumnLengthIndexes() : bool { return \false; } public function supportsAlterTable() { return \true; } public function supportsTransactions() { return \true; } public function supportsSavepoints() { return \true; } public function supportsReleaseSavepoints() { return $this->supportsSavepoints(); } public function supportsPrimaryConstraints() { return \true; } public function supportsForeignKeyConstraints() { return \true; } public function supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate() { Deprecation::triggerIfCalledFromOutside('doctrine/dbal', '', 'AbstractPlatform::supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate() is deprecated without replacement and removed in DBAL 3.0'); return $this->supportsForeignKeyConstraints(); } public function supportsSchemas() { return \false; } public function canEmulateSchemas() { return \false; } public function getDefaultSchemaName() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function supportsCreateDropDatabase() { return \true; } public function supportsGettingAffectedRows() { return \true; } public function supportsInlineColumnComments() { return \false; } public function supportsCommentOnStatement() { return \false; } public function hasNativeGuidType() { return \false; } public function hasNativeJsonType() { return \false; } public function getIdentityColumnNullInsertSQL() { return ''; } public function supportsViews() { return \true; } public function supportsColumnCollation() { return \false; } public function getDateTimeFormatString() { return 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; } public function getDateTimeTzFormatString() { return 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; } public function getDateFormatString() { return 'Y-m-d'; } public function getTimeFormatString() { return 'H:i:s'; } public final function modifyLimitQuery($query, $limit, $offset = null) { if ($limit !== null) { $limit = (int) $limit; } $offset = (int) $offset; if ($offset < 0) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Offset must be a positive integer or zero, %d given', $offset)); } if ($offset > 0 && !$this->supportsLimitOffset()) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Platform %s does not support offset values in limit queries.', $this->getName())); } return $this->doModifyLimitQuery($query, $limit, $offset); } protected function doModifyLimitQuery($query, $limit, $offset) { if ($limit !== null) { $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit; } if ($offset > 0) { $query .= ' OFFSET ' . $offset; } return $query; } public function supportsLimitOffset() { return \true; } public function getSQLResultCasing($column) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', '', 'AbstractPlatform::getSQLResultCasing is deprecated without replacement and removed in DBAL 3.' . 'Use Portability\\Connection with PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE to get portable result cases.'); return $column; } public function fixSchemaElementName($schemaElementName) { Deprecation::trigger('doctrine/dbal', '', 'AbstractPlatform::fixSchemaElementName is deprecated with no replacement and removed in DBAL 3.0'); return $schemaElementName; } public function getMaxIdentifierLength() { return 63; } public function getEmptyIdentityInsertSQL($quotedTableName, $quotedIdentifierColumnName) { return 'INSERT INTO ' . $quotedTableName . ' (' . $quotedIdentifierColumnName . ') VALUES (null)'; } public function getTruncateTableSQL($tableName, $cascade = \false) { $tableIdentifier = new Identifier($tableName); return 'TRUNCATE ' . $tableIdentifier->getQuotedName($this); } public function getDummySelectSQL() { $expression = func_num_args() > 0 ? func_get_arg(0) : '1'; return sprintf('SELECT %s', $expression); } public function createSavePoint($savepoint) { return 'SAVEPOINT ' . $savepoint; } public function releaseSavePoint($savepoint) { return 'RELEASE SAVEPOINT ' . $savepoint; } public function rollbackSavePoint($savepoint) { return 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ' . $savepoint; } public final function getReservedKeywordsList() { // Check for an existing instantiation of the keywords class. if ($this->_keywords) { return $this->_keywords; } $class = $this->getReservedKeywordsClass(); $keywords = new $class(); if (!$keywords instanceof KeywordList) { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } // Store the instance so it doesn't need to be generated on every request. $this->_keywords = $keywords; return $keywords; } protected function getReservedKeywordsClass() { throw Exception::notSupported(__METHOD__); } public function quoteStringLiteral($str) { $c = $this->getStringLiteralQuoteCharacter(); return $c . str_replace($c, $c . $c, $str) . $c; } public function getStringLiteralQuoteCharacter() { return "'"; } public final function escapeStringForLike(string $inputString, string $escapeChar) : string { return preg_replace('~([' . preg_quote($this->getLikeWildcardCharacters() . $escapeChar, '~') . '])~u', addcslashes($escapeChar, '\\') . '$1', $inputString); } protected function getLikeWildcardCharacters() : string { return '%_'; } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "MailPoetVendor\Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform" not found in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php:27 Stack trace: #0 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/build-app-online/admin/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(571): include() #1 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/build-app-online/admin/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(428): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('/htdocs/wp-cont...') #2 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/Doctrine/ConnectionFactory.php(41): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('MailPoetVendor\\...') #3 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(570): MailPoet\Doctrine\ConnectionFactory->createConnection() #4 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(2852): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getConnectionService() #5 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(580): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getEntityManagerFactoryService() #6 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(4214): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getEntityManagerService() #7 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(4204): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getSettingsRepositoryService() #8 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/generated/FreeCachedContainer.php(2269): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getSettingsControllerService() #9 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php(122): MailPoetGenerated\FreeCachedContainer->getInitializerService() #10 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php(110): MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->make('MailPoet\\Config...', 1) #11 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/lib/DI/ContainerWrapper.php(39): MailPoetVendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get('MailPoet\\Config...') #12 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet_initializer.php(89): MailPoet\DI\ContainerWrapper->get('MailPoet\\Config...') #13 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/mailpoet.php(206): require_once('/htdocs/wp-cont...') #14 /htdocs/wp-settings.php(462): include_once('/htdocs/wp-cont...') #15 /htdocs/wp-config.php(96): require_once('/htdocs/wp-sett...') #16 /htdocs/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/htdocs/wp-conf...') #17 /htdocs/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/htdocs/wp-load...') #18 /htdocs/index.php(17): require('/htdocs/wp-blog...') #19 {main} thrown in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailpoet/vendor-prefixed/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php on line 27